Barry Kauler is back
Barry Kauler, the original author of PuppyLinux (here and here) - from which Fatdog64 originally came from, is back.This patriarch of the Puppy community has been missing for over two months after he announced his retirement from Puppy Linux back in late September. News from him became few and far between; and there have been understandable confusions and worries among his followers in the Murga Linux forum.
But now he's back, and he's still doing Linux, among other things. It's no longer Puppy Linux admittedly, but is a quirky variant called - obviously enough - Quirky Linux (or Quirky Puppy, etc). Old habits (or hobby) dies hard :)
Whatever it is, it is a heart warming that he's still with us and is still doing Linux development of one sort or another. Let's hope that his stay is a long one.
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