How to create Nvidia driver SFS for Fatdog and Puppy

If you need to use Nvidia driver (instead of the open-source nouveau driver), I've written the steps to prepare the driver SFS yourself.

I wrote this article because Nvidia driver is sensitive to kernel changes; each kernel changes requires a rebuild of the driver. And we usually don't provide nvidia driver for beta releases.

Also, there are variations of the nvidia driver (long term, short term, legacy, etc) supporting different cards. Creating a driver for each variation, and re-creating them every time the kernel change, takes a lot of time.

So I've published the way for you to do that yourself. The steps enable you to create the SFS yourself, or, if you can't be bothered about the SFS, it will install the driver directly for you.

As a bonus, it should work on recent Puppy Linux too.

The instruction is here.

Note: this article is an update of the original instructions I wrote here (which is XenialPup64 specific).

Posted on 4 Dec 2017, 15:58 - Categories: Fatdog64 PuppyLinux Linux
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