New Fatdog64 is in the works

It's the time of the year again. The time the bears wake up from hibernation. After being quiet for a few months, the gears start moving in the Fatdog64 development.

Fatdog64 721 was released over 4 months ago. It was based on LFS 7.5, which was cutting edge back in 2014 (although some of the packages have younger ages as they got updated in every release).

As I have indicated earlier (in 720 beta release, here), 700 series is showing its age. Compared to previous series, the 700 series is actually the longest-running Fatdog series so far, bar none.

But everything that has a beginning also has an end. It's time to say goodbye to 700 series and launch a new series.

The new series will be based on LFS 8.2 (the most recent as of today). This gives us glibc 2.27 and gcc 7.3.0. Some packages are picked up from SVN version of BLFS, which is newer.

How far have we gotten with this new release? Well, as of yesterday, we've got Xorg 1.20.0 running with twm, xterm and oclock app running from its build sandbox.

Hardly inspiring yet, but if you know the challenge we faced to get there, it's a great milestone.

As it is usual with Fatdog64, however, it will be released when it is ready. So don't hold your breath yet. If 721 is working well for you, hang on to it (I do!). But at least you know that wouldn't be the last time you heard of this dog.

On a special note, I'd like to say special thanks to "step" and "Jake", the newest members of Fatdog64 team (and thus is still full of energy - unlike us the old timers hehe). While I have been shamelessly away from the forum for many reasons, "step" and "SFR" continue to support Fatdog64 users in the forum. My heartful thanks to both of them.

Of course, also thanks to the wonderful Fatdog64 users who continue to support each other.

Posted on 31 May 2018, 01:37 - Categories: Fatdog64 Linux
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Posted on 31 May 2018, 20:13 by 01micko
I wonder if it is coincidence that I visit this page today after a long time.. :)

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