Another release of Slackbone64

Slackbone64 is a "barebone" version of Fatdog, based on Slackware binaries. "Barebone" as in it contains only a "minimal" set of packages. It is intended for distro builders, or those who wants to custom-build an OS for specific purpose, or tinkerers.

Slackbone64 is released as "Slackbones64" with the hope that it will have many descendants.

Slackbone64 is co-maintained by myself and Q5sys - I maintain the base ISO and devx, Q5sys maintains the repositories (a much harder job than doing the base ISO!), the release, and the public-facing website. Being a derivative of Fatdog, Slackbone64 also gets substantial contribution from kirk - for example, in the latest release, it uses the same kernel as Fatdog 620beta1 kernel (Linux 3.7.7) - which is compiled by kirk; and that is only one example among many others.

You can get a taste of slackbone from

Posted on 4 Mar 2013, 14:35 - Categories: Fatdog64
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